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What is the key to successful UK phone dating? Find out how girls and guys get dates by phone anywhere in the UK. We have compiled a few hints, tips and tricks that can change that uncomfortable phone conversation and conclude your call to a successful date.

Plan your phone call

The first step to successful uk phone dating is planning your phone call. Sounds silly, in fact sounds a little strange to be honest but it is something that can truly make a huge difference. Many of you may have ended up on one of those uncomfortable phone dates where conversation is at a premium and the silence is only broken periodically with questions about the weather. Not the start to a successful date you were looking for. A little planning always helps.

How do you plan your phone call? Well, you don't need to write word for word what you're going to say, that would be odd. What you need to do is get a pad and pen, draw a line across the middle of the page and write "great topics" on one side and "no go topics" on the other.

On great topics, write a list of topics, jokes and stories that you can talk about to keep the conversation flowing and interesting.

On no go topics, write a list of areas of conversation that you feel you should steer clear of. This way you can refer back to the list and ensure you don't end up dragging yourself into an area of conversation that makes you or your date feel uncomfortable.

Use open questions to help engage your date

Use open questions to build your conversation. This is an art that many do not think of using, but is a truly successful tool for phone dating. For those of you who don't know, an open question is one where descriptive words or a sentence is required for an answer, unlike closed questions which only require a yes or no answer.

The third and final step is the most important one. Make sure you answer the phone with a smile on your face and a spring in your step. You need to make sure you are in a happy mood and relaxed for the conversation to be fruitful and enjoyable.

Successful phone dating anywhere in the UK

Get your plan in place, a guide on topics, jokes and stories to tell and a list of topics to steer clear of. This is a great way to ensure the conversation doesn't become dull and there are no uncomfortable silences.

Get into the groove of asking opening questions where a real answer is required, an answer that can lead on to more open questions or even questions asked of you. Make sure you're happy, smiling and relaxed, as this will show in your tone and conversation. Last but not least, enjoy your phone chat and see where it takes you.

Don't have a date yet? Start chatting now! People from all over the UK are chatting, flirting and dating live on our lines right now. Whether you are from Glasgow, Cardiff, Birmingham, Manchester or London, call and chat with someone by phone now!

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About us

Chatbox is the UK's leading provider of phonechat lines with over 16 years of success behind us

At Chatbox we help 1000's of people to get together for telephone dating on safe chat lines whenever or wherever they are. We are the largest provider of cheap chat lines and dating phonelines in the UK.

We operate services on multiple digital platforms so you can connect with people on the phone, online or mobile. Chat with hundreds of callers online and on our chat line right now, many of whom will be local to you.

Chatbox is one of the Intermediactive Group brands and sits alongside Gay Network, 4D, Candywall and Kooma as part of the wider group. The group is wholly UK owned and based in South London. We are regulated by both OFCOM and the Phone-paid Services Authority and are members of the Internet Foundation, FAST, the DMA and AIME.

You can contact us any time.