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Most men fall in to some type of category. If you're going to have a successful telephone dating chat it pays to know what type of man you are dealing with. Once you know what type of man you have on the other end of the phone, it's easy to have him eating out of the palm of your hand by saying the right things.

Here's a quick guide on how to spot what type of man you're chatting to and how to keep your telephone dating chat going all night.

Mr. Sporty

What he does – He probably works as a fitness instructor, a lifeguard, or maybe a fireman. He goes to the gym a few times a week and either goes running or plays football on a Sunday morning.

How you'll spot him – As soon as you come anywhere near asking what he's been up to he'll be quick to tell you that he's just been working out; again!

Keep him on the phone? – Ask about how often he works out. Say things like ‘Wow, you must be pretty fit from all that exercise...'

Mr. Geeky

What he does – He works in IT of course. In his spare time he loves to play on computer games, wander around gadget shops, and try to hack into the central server at the Ministry of Defence.

How you'll spot him – He probably won't tell you what he does, he'll be too shy. That's a common problem with Mr. Geeky.

Keep him on the phone? – If you want this telephone dating chat to go far you'll have to do most of the talking. Once you get past the shy stage you're likely to discover a very sweet and thoughtful guy.

Mr. Popular

What he does – What doesn't he do? Mr. Popular is everywhere, he's a friendly guy who all the men want to be and all the women want to be with.

How you'll spot him – When you speak to him on the phone he'll be on his way somewhere. He'll call you sugar or honey because he can't remember your name.

Keep him on the phone? – If you're lucky. This guy wants to be everywhere all at once. You'll need to impress him quickly or else he'll arrive at his destination before you've had a chance to tell him your name.

Mr. Suit

What he does – He works in The City, or in a bank. He works long hard hours and earns more than you could dream of.

How you'll spot him – He only ever call late in the evening because the rest of the time he's in the boardroom or tapping away at a keyboard.

Keep him on the phone? – For Mr. Suit the dating game is all about wining and dining so don't expect too much telephone dating chat from him. He'll want to get you to the finest restaurant in town after just one chat.

Are you ready to meet the man of your dreams now? Record a chat box message bigging yourself up then leave it down to the men to come and find you.

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Chatbox is the UK's leading provider of phonechat lines with over 16 years of success behind us

At Chatbox we help 1000's of people to get together for telephone dating on safe chat lines whenever or wherever they are. We are the largest provider of cheap chat lines and dating phonelines in the UK.

We operate services on multiple digital platforms so you can connect with people on the phone, online or mobile. Chat with hundreds of callers online and on our chat line right now, many of whom will be local to you.

Chatbox is one of the Intermediactive Group brands and sits alongside Gay Network, 4D, Candywall and Kooma as part of the wider group. The group is wholly UK owned and based in South London. We are regulated by both OFCOM and the Phone-paid Services Authority and are members of the Internet Foundation, FAST, the DMA and AIME.

You can contact us any time.